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What's New in GoToAssist Remote Support v5

Read our release notes about the latest features and improvements.

Attention: Does your product look different? You may need information about GoToAssist Remote Support v4. Click HERE.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. – May 7, 2024

  • Improved proxy support.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented attended applets from starting on Apple Silicon devices (with M1, M2 or M3 CPUs).
  • Fixed performance issues during remote control sessions on certain devices running on Intel hybrid CPUs.
  • Introduced minor stability improvements and fixes.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. – December 21, 2023

  • Added some proxy configuration use cases. Additionally, the app now supports auto proxy discovery (WPAD).
  • Fixed an issue that prevented devices from going online after a network reconnection.
  • Fixed an issue that crashed the app when used in admin mode on macOS Sonoma.
  • Introduced minor stability improvements and fixes.

Archived Release Notes

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Desktop Console for Windows (v. – October 13, 2022

  • An issue was fixed that prevented the application from starting in some environments.
  • Improvements regarding the app’s overall security were implemented.
  • Introduced minor stability improvements and fixes.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. – October 3, 2022

  • Auto-login works now even if Ctrl+Alt+Del was pressed before loggin-in (in case of Secure sign-in).
  • Similarly to the MSI installer, now the EXE installer for Windows also adds an entry of the program to the ’Programs and Features’.
  • Introduced minor stability improvements and fixes.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. – July 26, 2022

  • This release introduces minor stability improvements and fixes.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. - April 7, 2022

  • Added support to the allmonitor multi-monitor setup. New icon
  • Fixed an issue when the user had to log in to an unattended Mac device to be able to connect.
  • The Ctrl+Alt+Del shortcut from the Console Toolbar works now as expected in every setup.
  • Fixed an issue when the session was stuck in 'Connecting...' state on unattended Windows computers until a user on the local machine initiated an action.
  • Minor stability improvements and fixes.

LogMeIn is now GoTo – February 2, 2022

We've relaunched our brand with a fresh look and feel! But don't worry – you'll still find everything in its usual place. Learn more.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Desktop Console Windows (v. and Mac (v. - November 22, 2021

  • Fixed the behaviour of the Support button to load the expected content upon clicking.
  • Fixed an issue when upon clicking the Forgot password button, the 'Try it free' LastPass promotional link did not open up in an external browser.
  • Optimized storage space of the agent computer used by the console.
  • This release introduces minor stability fixes and improvements.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. - October 27, 2021

  • Multi-monitor displays.. Users now have the ability to show all their displays in a multi-monitor setup. New icon
  • This release introduces stability improvements.
  • Fixed an issue when UA files used up all the storage space on the C: drive and crashed the server after a reinstall.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - October 15, 2021

  • Multi-monitor displays.. Users now have the ability to show all their displays in a multi-monitor setup. New icon
  • Fixed an issue when the Camera Share stream stopped once the customer started using their microphone using Chrome Canary.
  • Fixed an issue when the customer saw only a black screen during annotation when using Safari.

Profile Management Portal (v1.15.5) & Login Service – September 17, 2021

Support for Multifactor Authentication
Users now have the ability to set up multifactor authentication as an added layer of security when signing in to their GoTo account. Users can begin the enrollment process and manage their paired mobile devices within the "Enhanced Security" section on the Sign In & Security page at Once set up, the user will be prompted to enter a code from their authenticator app in order to access their GoTo product account going forward.
Note: If a user pairs their mobile device but disables the Enhanced Security setting, the user may still be prompted to verify their login via the paired multifactor authentication device (which is done via email verification when no device is paired) for security purposes when they sign in to their account.

Previously, multifactor authentication was only supported for GoToAssist Remote Support (v4 and v5) users. These existing users (who have already paired a mobile device with their account) will not be impacted by these changes, and their paired mobile devices will automatically be recognized and listed within the Sign In & Security page, now under the "Enhanced Security" section. However, those GoToAssist Remote Support users will still need to enable the Enhanced Security setting, which will improve their login security by leveraging multiple factor and risk-based scores.

Classic GoTo Admin Center (v5.37.0) – August 27, 2021

New & Refreshed User Roles
The user roles in the have been updated (within the User Details page, per user and on the Add Users page) to the following:
  • (New!) Member – An end user with no access (this role is newly listed but was previously applied when the "Administrator for this account" setting was disabled).
  • Manager – A user with access and selected permissions and specific groups. If no groups are selected, the manager can manage the selected permissions for all users in the account.
  • Admin – A manager with all permissions except to manage other admins.
  • Super Admin – An admin with all permissions, including managing other admins (this role has been renamed, and previously applied when the "Full access to all account privileges" setting was enabled).
All permissions available for the Manager role remain unchanged (e.g., Add and Delete Users, Manage Products, etc.).
Support for Multiple Subgroups and Assignments
The user groups in the now support assigning multiple subgroup levels (e.g., Group > Subgroup 1, Subgroup 2, Subgroup 3, etc.), and those subgroups can be assigned to either another subgroup or a parent group (e.g., Subgroup 3 can be assigned to Subgroup 2, Subgroup 1, or Group). Additionally, a tooltip will display the full list of group/subgroup(s) on both the User Details and Manage Users pages if the name of the group/subgroup exceeds the character limit.
Note: Each parent group and/or subgroup name must be unique.
Previously, only a single subgroup could be created (e.g., Group > Subgroup), and each subgroup could only be assigned to a parent group (i.e., subgroups could not be assigned to other subgroups).
If a user – who is already assigned to groups/subgroup(s) – has their user group assignment changed within User Details, the user will become unassigned from all existing groups/subgroup(s) and only assigned to the updated group/subgroup(s).

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. - August 19, 2021


The pkg installer now supports repair and update flows during installation.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. - July 16, 2021

Yellow Frame when Remote Controlling Windows Computers
When the screen of a Windows computer is being accessed, the screen that is being shared now displays a yellow frame.
  • Fixed an issue where, in case of certain network problems, unattended devices did not reconnect and, thus, remained offline even when the network problem was resolved.
  • General stability improvements to the unattended access service.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Desktop Console Windows (v. and Mac (v. - July 16, 2021

  • Compatibility with Intel HD Graphics 510 GPUs has been improved providing a fix for issues like shifted content and misaligned mouse clicks.
  • Fixed an issue where a support session running in full screen mode got stuck in the error message state after a network issue.
  • Fixed an issue where remote control of the customer's keyboard was sometimes compromised after the agent switched between the Desktop Console and another application.
  • Fixed an issue where remote control of an unattended computer's keyboard did not work .
  • Fixed an issue where the thumbnail of a session got stuck in Loading... state.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - July 16, 2021

  • Fixed in issue where agents were sometimes unable to control the customer's keyboard during a remote control session.
  • Fixed an issue where system information about the customer's computer was missing from the Info panel.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - July 8, 2021

Refresh Button on Devices Tab
Users of the Agent Console can now use the dedicated Refresh button on the Devices tab to reload the list of unattended devices with their latest status information.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Desktop Console Windows (v. and Mac (v. - July 1, 2021

Automatic Repair for Broken Installation
When installation of the Agent Desktop Console fails, it is now possible to attempt fixing it by using the new Automatic repair functionality.
Session Selector Shortcut
Users of the Agent Desktop Console can now switch between active session tabs by using the Alt/Option + [0...9] keyboard shortcut.
  • Fixed an issue where CapsLock did not work during remote control sessions with Windows computers.
  • Compatibility with older GPUs has been improved.
  • Security improvements
  • General stability improvements and fixes

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - June 30, 2021

Link to LogMeIn Privacy Policy
A link to the LogMeIn Privacy Policy page is now displayed to customers in the Chat Panel at the start of remote view or remote control sessions.

Fixed an issue where the link to the session recording on the session wrap-up screen did not work in case of non-Chromium based browsers.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - June 17, 2021

Audio in Camera Share Session Recordings
Session recordings created during Camera Share sessions using VoIP audio can now play back audio. The recording file format is now MKV.
  • As the file format for session recordings has changed to MKV, the online player is available only in Chromium-based browsers. The Play button is now disabled on the Recording tab in browsers that do not support the online player.
  • Fixed an issue where on Android devices the action buttons were displayed with an incorrect placement.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Desktop Console Windows (v. and Mac (v. - May 20, 2021

  • Improved the authentication process for sessions using proxy servers.
  • Fixed an issue where agents using computers with certain video processor chips (GPUs) experienced misaligned mouse clicks due to screen elements appearing shifted in the agent console.
  • Fixed broken thumbnail status message when generating html reports.
  • Fix for intermittently shifted down session snapshot images on the Sessions panel.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - May 14, 2021


The quality of the media stream during remote control sessions has been improved by increasing the maximum bandwidth from 2.5 Mbps to 6 Mbps.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. - May 10, 2021

  • Security Improvements
  • General stability improvements and fixes
  • Fixed an issue where session connection was interrupted when the customer downloaded and started two instances of the applet
  • Unattended application for Mac
    • Fixed an issue where the installation of the unattended application would get stuck at the downloading phase.
  • Unattended application for Windows
    • Fixed an issue that stopped version 1.0.0 of the unattended application from updating, which caused the application to get stuck in offline status.
    • Fixed an issue where the unattended application failed to create a security backup, which made the update fail.
    • Other improvements and fixes making the update process of the unattended application more reliable.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - May 6, 2021


Fixed an issue where devices for which unattended access had been installed using GoToAssist Remote Support v4 were not visible on the Devices tab of the GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Desktop Console Windows (v. and Mac (v. - April 15, 2021

New Menus
New menus improve the user experience of the Agent Desktop Console.
Header Hamburger Menu (Win)/Menubar Menu (Mac)
Most features and functionalities of the Agent Desktop Console are now also available from these menus.
Taskbar Context Menu (Win)/Dock Menu (Mac)
Basic Session Management functionalities are now also available from these menus.
Systray Icon Context Menu (Win)/Menubar Icon Menu (Mac)
Basic Session Management functionalities are now also available from these menus.
Customizable Application Settings
Users can now set the default download folder for the Agent Desktop Console.
Header Hamburger Menu > Files > Preferences
Menubar Menu > GoToAssist Agent Desktop Console > Preferences
Application-wide Keyboard Shortcuts
Users can now perform most typical Agent Desktop Console tasks by using Keyboard Shortcuts.
Desktop Shortcut
The Agent Desktop Console now creates a desktop shortcut icon upon installation or the first update.
  • The GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Desktop Console now uses OpenSSL 1.1.1k for better security.
  • Instead of the default Windows look and feel, the Agent Desktop Console header is now customized for the GoToAssist Remote Support v5 branding.
  • When agents choose to view the customer's screen in full screen mode during a remote view or remote control session, they now get a true full screen experience.
  • Support sessions can now be started faster from the Agent Desktop Console.
  • General stability and reliability improvements.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - April 13, 2021

  • Fixed an issue where the Devices tab of the Agent Console sometimes got stuck in loading phase, so no information was displayed for unattended devices.
  • Fixed an issue where Fullscreen mode during a remote control session was not using the whole screen area.
  • General stability improvements for unattended service.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. - March 29, 2021

  • If the unattended support application crashes, the unattended service will now be restarted automatically in order to reduce the possibility of unattended devices getting stuck in offline status.
  • The unattended installer will not run if it detects the same version already being installed on the device.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused multiple systray icons of the unattended support application to appear.
  • Fixed an issue where switching users on the customer's Windows computer caused the unattended service to go offline.
  • Fixed an issue where the unattended support application would not start after being updated, thus causing the device to get stuck in offline status.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - March 8, 2021

More Transparent Status Information for Unattended Devices
The Status field on the Devices tab now not only displays if the device is online or offline but also how long it has been in that status. This made the Last online field redundant, so that is no longer displayed.
  • The In Session value displayed for Status on the Devices tab now gives more reliable information in case of longer unattended sessions.
  • Fixed the issue where a device was listed on the Devices tab with No data displayed when the customer declined permission for setting up unattended support or when the permission timed out.
  • General stability improvement for unattended access.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. - March 2, 2021

  • The GoToAssist Remote Support v5 support application is now fully localized. For information about supported languages and how language selection works, see Customer-side Language Settings.
  • The GoToAssist Remote Support v5 support application now uses OpenSSL 1.1.1i for better security.
  • Fixed an issue where the support application got disconnected after the agent restarted it as a system service (admin mode).
  • Various fixes and stability improvements for Unattended Access.
    • Fixed an issue where after autologin (using stored credentials) to an unattended device the unattended session crashed.
    • Fixed an issue where the unattended service kept disconnecting after the user closed the GoToAssist Remote Support Unattended Access application.
    • Fixed an issue that did not allow stopping the unattended service, which caused problems, for example, during the update of the unattended support application, the rebooting of the customer's device, or when the customer tried to sign out of their device.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - February 25, 2021

Last Accessed Field for Unattended Devices
The new Last accessed field on the Devices tab displays the time when a connection to the unattended device was last established.
Labels for Android Devices
A label (custom attribute) can now be applied to Android devices set up for unattended access. Click HERE for detailed information about using labels for easier device search.
In-product Help Widget
Clicking the Help icon in the GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Web Console now opens the In-product Help (IPH) search widget, so users can search for support articles without leaving the Agent Web Console.
  • Fixed an issue where a remote control session was limited to remote view access after the agent transferred the session or refreshed the browser page running the agent web console.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible for agents to start remote control while in a remote view session with a customer who was in a different region.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 application for Windows (v. and Mac (v. - January 20, 2021

Stored unattended device credentials from v4 available in v5
Stored login credentials for unattended access set up in GoToAssist Remote Support v4 can now be used in the Remote Support v5 Agent Console.
  • Improved updater reliability for the unattended support application
  • Improved connection reliability for the unattended support application
  • Fixed a problem where very large log files were generated when the unattended support application could not go online
  • Fixed problems that prevented the unattended support application from being installed on Windows 7

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - January 15, 2021

Agent Web Console Localization
The GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console is now available in the following languages:
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Spanish
Restriction: The Agent Desktop Console is currently available in English.

For step-by-step information about changing the language setting, see How to Set Agent Console Language.


Fixed an issue where session recordings could not be deleted.

GoToAssist Remote Support v5 Agent Console - December 18, 2020

  • The maximum length of the name for unattended devices is now limited to 255 characters.
  • Fixed a problem where session keys expired sooner than the expected one hour for paid accounts.
  • Fixed minor user interface issues.
Article last updated: 7 May, 2024