Editing the Registry
Registry Editor functionality corresponds to the Windows Registry Editor.
Available on Windows hosts only.
Fastpath: Connect to a Windows computer and go to
Remember: Once connected, you must be in Detailed Mode (Dashboard) to see remote management options.
Registry keys (HKCR, HKCU, HKLM, etc.) are displayed in a tree structure.
- Click an item to view details
- Click the Plus icon to create a new value
- Click the Key icon to change access permissions
- Click the Delete icon to remove a key
- Click the Plus icon to create a new value
What to do next:
Note: You can edit values that are either of text (REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ) or integer (REG_DWORD) type; and REG_QWORD type values. Binary values are displayed, but cannot be edited.
Article last updated: 25 April, 2023
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