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Accessing RemotelyAnywhere through a Firewall or Router

Most organizations today employ a range of security measures to protect their computer networks from hostile intrusion. One of the common measures includes creating a firewall. A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to a private (internal) network. Firewalls can be implemented either as hardware or software, or a combination of the two.

The most common use of a firewall is to prevent unauthorized intrusion from Internet users attempting to access a private network or Intranet. A firewall examines all traffic entering or leaving the internal network/Intranet, ensuring that traffic meets security criteria established by the Network Administrator.

RemotelyAnywhere can be configured to work with a firewall-protected computer. This requires mapping an external, incoming port on the firewall to the internal IP and port on the computer running RemotelyAnywhere. Routers, on the other hand, operate in much the same way as firewalls. They both offer the opportunity to open and map ports to specific computers. For the rest of this document, the term "router" can be interchangeable with "firewall."

From outside your LAN, you would gain access to the computer running RemotelyAnywhere by entering the firewall's IP address and the port to which the desired machine is mapped. For example:

Router: External IP address:

RemotelyAnywhere computer: IP address:, Port: 2000 (port 2000 is the default but this can also be changed).

Note: No two router models are exactly alike, and this document lacks sufficient space or scope to offer detailed support for all routers and firewalls and RemotelyAnywhere. However, the overarching principles for port forwarding remain the same. Should your router or firewall documentation prove confusing or insufficient, there are several resources available on the Internet that provide exhaustive instruction and help with configuring routers and firewalls.

Mapping a Firewall Port to the Computer

In this case, you would pick a port on the router, for example 5200, and map it to

The procedure for mapping ports from routers to computers is router-specific. Usually your router will have a web-based interface that allows you to configure and maintain it. Sometimes router companies refer to this action as Port Forwarding or Port Mapping.

Accessing RemotelyAnywhere through a Firewall

Having done the above, you will now be able to fully access the RemotelyAnywhere computer with the URL - that is the firewall's external IP, followed by the port you mapped to the RemotelyAnywhere machine.

Article last updated: 27 September, 2022
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