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View LogMeIn host event log files

The host always logs Service Start/Stop, Login/Logout and Remote Control Start/Stop events to the application log.

Tip: Looking for client debug logs? See Locate LogMeIn client app debug logs

Follow this procedure to view log files:

  1. Access the host preferences:
    • From the remote host computer, open the LogMeIn Control Panel and follow this path: Options > Preferences > AdvancedTo open the LogMeIn Control Panel, open your computer's toolbar at the bottom of your screen and select the LogMeIn icon. Then select LogMeIn Control Panel
    • From a client device (such as the website, or the desktop client app), connect to the remote host's Main Menu and follow this path: Preferences > Advanced
  2. Under Event Logs, select the View Files button.

    Result: A list of available log files is displayed.

  3. On the list, double-click the file you want to view.
    • The active log file is named LogMeIn.log
    • Older logs are stored with the naming convention LMIYYYYMMDD.log (example: the log file for January 10, 2009, would be LMI20090110.log)
    • On a Windows host, select Download all logs in one compressed file to access all available logs in a single compressed archive
  4. You can also set the following options:
    Option Description
    Location of event logs Define the folder where the files are to be saved. Leave blank to use the default location (the host software installation directory, typically C:\ProgramData\LogMeIn).
    Keep event logs for Enter the number of days for which you would like to store log files.
    Enable debug-level logging Select this option to include system events in the LogMeIn.log file. This facilitates troubleshooting efforts.
  5. Select OK or Apply.

    Result: Your settings are applied immediately to the host.