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"Reset Password" email is not received

Did you try resetting your password, but never received the "Reset Your Password" email? There are a few things that might have caused this.

You might have used the wrong email address.

When you enter an email address on the Reset Password page, GoToMyPC will show you the confirmation page regardless of whether you entered the right email address or not. To protect your account's security, we cannot confirm whether or not the email address you entered is registered with our system.

If you still don't receive the "Forgot password" email within a few minutes, you may want to try and enter an alternate email to ensure your account is not listed under a different email.

If you are positive that you are using the correct email address but still aren't receiving the email, please contact Global Customer Support.

If you do not have access to the email address associated with the account, please contact the owner of the email address so that they can check their inbox. If the email address has since been disabled, please contact Global Customer Support.

If the email account is accessible only from the host computer you are trying to connect to, you will need to physically be present at the host computer. If this is not possible, please contact Global Customer Support.

The email might be in your spam folder or have been blocked.

In some cases, the spam filtering system on your email client might have misidentified the automated "Reset Your Password" email as being spam. Try checking the "Spam" folder in your email inbox.

It's also possible that your company's servers might have blocked your email due to security firewalls. In this case, you should ask your IT administrator to allow emails from and then try resetting your password again.

I still haven't received my email!

If you still don't receive an email after trying the suggestions above, please Contact GoToMyPC Customer Care and a representative will be able to assist you.

Please note that account passwords and access codes are not the same. For more information on resetting your access code, click here for Windows and here for Macs.

Article last updated: 17 October, 2022
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