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Add a Hamachi mobile client from the website

The Hamachi mobile client gives you access to Hamachi networks from an iOS or Android smartphone or tablet.

The mobile client is deployed by sending the required VPN settings in a configuration file via email; it is not an app you download from a store.

Note: Mobile phone connections always use a relayed tunnel.

Follow these steps to configure mobile client settings and send them via email.

  1. In LogMeIn Central, switch to Networks and select Add Clients on the Computers tab (Networks).

    Result: The Add Clients page is displayed.

  2. Select Add mobile client and select Continue.
  3. Enter a Client Name and add the client to a network (optional) and select Create.

    Result: The Edit Client page is displayed with the new client displayed on the Mobile tab.

  4. To send the default configuration to an email recipient, enter an email address and select the appropriate button for the user's operating system. Otherwise, change settings before sending.
    • Send iOS
    • Send Other (for Android users)
    Tip: To preview the configuration file, select Preview iOS Config or Preview Android Config, as appropriate. This helps you understand what the user sees on their device when configuring their client.
  5. Add the client to a network under Join network.
    1. Enter a Network ID and password.
    2. Select Join
    Important: A mobile client must be in a network to go online.
  6. Under Connection protocol, choose how the device will connect to Hamachi servers.
    • IPSec
    • PPTP
      Important: Starting from iOS 10, VPN using PPTP is deprecated and a valid PPTP configuration will not be created. Apple have more information here.
  7. Optional connection settings:
    Option Description
    Send all traffic over VPN Valid for all network types.
    • When applied to a gateway network, the gateway peer relays all outside traffic.
    • When applied to mesh or hub-and-spoke networks, the device's traffic to the public Internet is not relayed by other members. This means the device cannot connect to the Internet.
    • This setting is always applied to Android devices that use a PPTP connection.
    • To retain an Internet connection on an Android using PPTP in a mesh network
      • In a mesh network, set the Forwarding Route to
      • In a gateway network, the forwarding route must match the client's assigned IP range
    Set gateway peer to filter broadcast traffic Filter out network packets not specifically directed to the device.
    Enable on-demand connection to these domains When an iOS device connecting via IPSec attempts to reach a listed domain, the VPN connection will be activated.
  8. To save changes to the configuration file, select Save.
    Remember: For iOS, if you change settings after sending the configuration file, you must send a new version.

Results: Once the recipient opens and installs the emailed configuration, the client becomes an attached member of the active account. You will be able to manage this client using LogMeIn Central. The recipient gains access to your shared resources. For example, you can use Hamachi to give mobile users access to your corporate LAN, internal webservers, file servers, etc.

Note: Mobile Phone connections always use a relayed tunnel.

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