How do I reinstall the host software?
You should uninstall and then reinstall the host.
Uninstalling the software on Windows
- Go to
- In Windows 7 or newer: Program and Features.
- In XP or 2000: Add/Remove Programs.
- Scroll down to LogMeIn Central and select it.
- Click either Uninstall or Change/Remove depending on your OS.
- Reboot the computer.
Reinstalling the software on Windows
- Log into your account.
- Click the Add computer button and select the product you wish to install.
- Proceed through the install wizard.
Uninstalling the software on Mac OS X
- On the Finder menu bar of your desktop, click .
- Double-click LogMeIn. The host toolkit is displayed.
- On the About tab, click Uninstall.
- Click Yes. Uninstallation of the host begins.
Note: A reboot is recommended, but not required.
Reinstalling the software on Mac OS X
- Log into your account.
- Click the Add computer button and select the product you wish to install.
- Download the install package (it should auto launch).
- Proceed through the install wizard.